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First feature of new NeoDashboard website


First feature

Curious to know what a N3 address is used for?

You can now try to enter It in this page to check if It's a known address in the NeoDashboard database.

How does It works

You just need to enter a N3 address in the search bar and if It's something in NeoDashboard database you will get a return describing what is this address.

You should see this if something is found in the database.

Example search address

If you are using the API the return will have the following format (example for call):

  "label": "MIGRATION",
  "description": "Address for migration between NEO legacy chain and N3"

Available data

For the launch of this feature only few addresses are available:

  • Famous N3 dApp related addresses
    • GhostMarket
    • NeoBurger
    • Flamingo
    • ForTheWin
    • Some other famous addresses (migration wallet/Humswap fund 🪦/...)
  • Exchanges related addresses
    • Binance
    • Mexc
    • Bigone
    • Okex
    • ...

Additional feature

On the same page you can also check for in-out flow for known CEX related addresses. This information will show as follow: CEX 7D in-out flows

How to contribute

It could be time consuming and a bit hard to collect all interesting addresses labels so your help will be really appreciated.

If you have a Github account It's easy to contribute just comment on this thread below. Otherwise you can reach me on social medias.

You can also comment if you think some interesting contracts are missing.