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[$NDMEME] NDMEME first on-chain vote
- Authors
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- NeoDashboard
- @DashboardNeo

On-chain voting
This contract allow us to add some topics for voting.
Each topic contains a starting and ending timestamp defining the period during which the vote is active. For each topic there is a description showing what is the question NDMEME holders are asked to answer. There are also several answers and the voters can pick the one they prefer.
At the end of the vote each answer get a score based on how much NDMEME each voter holds and the one with the biggest amount is the winner answer.
First topic
Recently a new bridge supported NeoX chain and It's now possible to bridge $USDT between EVM chains and NeoX.
The question of this topic is to know if NDMEME users prefer us to keep adding liquidity on $GAS-$NDMEME pool or to start adding liquidity on a new $USDT-$NDMEME pool.

Let's check what could be the pros and cons of each of those answer.
At the time of this writing the $GAS-$NDMEME pool is the third one based on liquidity amount on Carrot Swap and keeping adding liquidity on this pool will allow to help decreasing the price impact on swap users are making using this pool.
Adding a new pool could increase the liquidity fragmentation. There is already 2 pools on FTW and Carrot Swap DEXes splitting the NDMEME liquidity. But adding the $USDT pool could also have some benefits.
For now $NDMEME token is only paired with $GAS token which makes It really dependent of the GAS price movement and adding and $USDT pool could help making It more stable in dollar price.
Moreover for now there is not a lot of activity on NeoX and adding a new $USDT pool could create some volume and opportunities for traders when the $GAS price is moving.
This is not an exhaustive list of the possible pros and cons about such a choice but you can also join us on Discord to discuss It and also give ideas about things you think could deserve voting on the NDMEME project.
Now It's time for you to vote.